l All trainees must write their daily diary.
l All trainees will write their separate short diary about their work experience and physical education.
l All trainees will maintain their separate diary on community life. All the above diaries will be examined internally.
l All trainees will prepare their short computer diary comprising their theoretical and practical work.
l The College/Institution will maintain the theoretical and practical evaluation records in each subject for each Trainee each semester.
l The average of the internal assessments for both semester of the first year and the average of the internal assessments of both semester of the second year will be maintained in an evaluation record book and will be presented before the external examiners.
In order to stream line effective school experience (practice teaching) following guidelines will be followed:
Students of D.El.Ed. known as student teachers will plan their lesson in advance and write them in the prescribed Lesson Plan Book for prior approval by the subject teacher for advance planning of lesson will be appreciated.
A group of student teacher under a supervisor will be deputed to a co-operating school to take 33 classes and observing other student teaching.
The student teachers will normally be not allowed to avail leave during the period of practice teaching unless otherwise permitted in advance by the Principal/Head in writing.
Regularity and punctuality in the performance of practice teaching lessons shall be observed. At least 4 lessons in each subject must be discussed in detail with subject specialist for guidance.
Student teachers shall properly be dressed and must appear like a teacher during practice teaching and normal classes. No casual dress shall be allowed. Student teachers shall be polite to their pupils and respectful to their colleagues and teachers of the co-operating school. Problems pertaining to class room discipline should be met fact fully and resolved amicably. If required, help of the school Head Master or the concerned Teacher can be sought in this regard.
The student teachers will function in the manner of regular school teachers and shall remain in schools from the school assembly till the dispersal at the closing time and will check the home work assigned to the students. They are also expected to participate and organize morning assembly, library, games and sports, administrative responsibility if any and other co-curricular activities etc. in the school. In nutshell, they work in the school as full time teachers and thereby get the feel of teaching profession.
There shall be a student monitor or group leader amongst student teachers in every co-operating school to co-ordinate practice teaching of fellow students and act as al link between them, school authorities, supervisor and faculty members etc.
Faculty members, subject teachers and supervisors are expected to supervise a lesson at least for about ten minutes. They will write their observation, comments and positive suggestion for improvement of student teaching in the Lesson Plan Book placed at the back seat in the class room.
A discussion after the class with subject teacher, student teacher and their fellow class mates etc. will help him or her to improve his/her work.
In the fourth year one criticism lesson/discussion lesson in each subject is compulsory. These lessons are special which require more than the usual amount of preparation and while using modern audio visual equipment etc. It is expected that majority of the student teachers particularly of the same discipline will attend it and will give their observations, comment and positive suggestion etc, and will discuss in the presence of subject specialists who will be present in that lesson for benefit of those student teachers who delivered the lesson.
Thanks Giving: At the end of the practice teaching students teachers may arrange a thanks giving programme as a token to the staff of the co-operating school for their guidance, assistance and facilities provided to them.