Faculty of Education



(i)      Foundation course:

1.    Foundation Paper I         :   Education and the Teacher in the Emerging Indian Society.

2.    Foundation Paper II        :   Education and Psychology

(ii)     Content rum Methodology:

3.    Fifth Paper                     :   Hindi-Content cum Methodology

4.    Sixth Paper                    :   English-Content cum Methodology

5.    Seventh Paper                :   Sanskrit/ Bengali/ Urdu/ Mundari/ Santhali/ Ho/ Kharia/ Kurukh/ Nagpuri/ Kurmali/ Khortha/ Panchpargania-Content cum Methodology

6.    Eighth Paper                  :   Mathematics – Content cum Methodology

7.    Ninth Paper                   :   Environmental Studies 1 – Social Science : Content cum Methodology

8.    Tenth  Paper                  :   Environmental Studies 2 – General Science :  Content cum Methodology

(iii)    Practical:

9.    Eleventh Paper               :   Teaching Practice

10.  Twelfth Paper                 :   Computer

11.  Thirteenth Paper            :   Work Experience and Physical Education.

12.  Fourteenth Paper           :   Community life.


(iv)    Foundation course:

13.  Foundation Paper III       :   School Organization Guidance and counseling

14.  Foundation Paper IV       :   Educational Technology and Evaluation

(v)     Content cum Methodology:

15.  Fifth Paper                     :   Hindi – Content cum Methodology

16.  Sixth Paper                    :   English – Content cum Methodology

17.  Seventh Paper                :   Sanskrit/ Bengali/ Urdu/ Mundari/ Santhali/ Ho/ Kharia/ Kurukh/ Nagpuri/ Kurmali/ Khortha/ Panchpargania- Content cum Methodology

18.  Eighth Paper                  :   Mathematics – Content cum Methodology

19.  Ninth   Paper                 :   Environmental Studies 1-Social Science : Content cum Methodology

20.  Tenth Paper                   :   Environmental Studies 2 – General Science : Content cum Methodology

(vi)    Practical :

21.  Eleventh Paper              :   Teaching Practice

22.  Twelfth Paper                :   Computer

23.  Thirteenth Paper          :   Work Experience and Physical Education

24.  Fourteenth Paper         :   Community life



Paper                          Subject                                               External assessment             Internal assessment                                  

                                                                                                       Full              Pass              Full          Pass                                                                                                            Marks         Marks           Marks        Marks

Foundation Paper I    Education and the Teacher                      60               24                40           16      

in the Emerging Indian Society

Foundation Paper II   Education and Psychology                       60               24                40           16

Fifth Paper                 Hindi: Content cum Methodology             60               24                40           16

Sixth Paper                English : Content cum Methodology         60               24                40           16

Seventh Paper           Sanskrit/ Bengali/ Urdu/ Mundari/           60               24                40           16                                   Santhali/ Ho/ Kharia/ Kurukh/  Nagpuri/ Kurmali/ Kortha/ Panchpargania : Content cum Methodology

Eighth Paper              Mathematics : Content cum                      60               24                40           16                                   Methodology

Ninth Paper                Environmental Studies 1:                          60               24                40           16                                   Social Science  Content cum              Methodology

Tenth Paper               Environmental Studies 2: General            60               24                40           16                                   Science Content cum Methodology

Eleventh Paper          Teaching Practice                                     60               24                40           16

Twelfth Paper            Computer                                                   –                  –                100         40

Thirteenth Paper        Work Experience (2 Subjects),           15×2=30         20           15×2=30   20                                   Physical Education                               +20=50                          +20=50

Fourteenth Paper       Community Life                                          –                  –                100         40



Paper                          Subject                                               External assessment             Internal assessment                                  

                                                                                              Full              Pass              Full          Pass                                                                                                  Marks              Marks           Marks        Marks

Foundation Paper III  School Organization, Guidance              60                24                40           16        & Counseling

Foundation Paper IV Education Technology                              60                24                40           16        and Evaluation

Fifth Paper                 Hindi: Content cum Methodology            60                24                40           16

Sixth Paper                English : Content cum Methodology         60                24                40           16

Seventh Paper           Sanskrit/Bengali/ Urdu/Mundari/          60                24                40           16                                   Santhali/ Ho/ Kharia/ Kurukh/           Nagpuri/ Kurmali/ Kortha/ Panchpargania : Content cum Methodology

Eighth Paper              Mathematics : Content cum                      60                24                40           16                                   Methodology

Ninth Paper                Environmental Studies 1: Social                60                24                40           16                                   Science Content cum Methodology

Tenth Paper               Environmental Studies 2 : General          60                24                40           16                                   Science Content cum Methodology

Eleventh Paper          Teaching Practice                                    60                24                40           16

Twelfth Paper            Computer                                                  –                   –                100         40

Thirteenth Paper        Work Experience (2 Subjects),          15×2=30          20           15×2=30    20                                   Physical Education                              +20=50                          +20=50

Fourteenth Paper       Community Life                                          –                   –             100 40